Sunday, March 11, 2007

MY Labrador locked me out of the house

I have told and shared this story about my lovely Migo locking me out of the house somewhere else already. but i wanted to share it here as well.

This might become a funny story hours after it happened but it certainly wasnt a funny story when it happened to me. My dog and I just came back from a walk. I went out again to go to the nearby store to buy juice. Closed the door but barely even totally closed it. Just left him for 5minutes or 10 maximum! When i came back, imagine the look on my face when i discovered the door was locked and my dog was whining behind it. I had no keys, no wallet and no phone! So thankfully there was a few change inside our dvd rental box. I was like what am i gonna do... Spare keys? Hmmm not next to me at the moment.. So i ended up going to an internet cafe texting everyone from online. I texted my mom, my dad, my two brothers and one girlfriend. I was looking for my rescue team obviously. I almost got frustrated when no one answered. thankfully one of my brothers managed to wake up from his nap and told he can come and open the door with the spare keys he has Even if he doesnt live with me, Thank god for him having some keys still... I was radio silent and stuck outside from 530 to 8pm until my bro came! 530 to 630 was spent in the cafe which took most of the change i found. So no other plans which involves money... Later that night, found out that even my youngest brother didnt have spare keys. There could have been two of us right there outside waiting...

While waiting, i was sitting at our dvd shop and looking through oyr living room window checking on Migo. Saw him playing with his toy, getting up and roaming around wherever he can reach judging that i left him on a leash which was just held by the sofa's leg. So i said to myself, you have no right to have fun while i am stuck here you funny little dog! Lol i had to scratch the door now and then just to tease him.

I guess my dog decided to follow me and wanted to open the door but closed it instead. he dragged the sofa with him actually and was able to get as far as the door with it. He had the amazing innocent face when i got in.. He was just looking at me with that puppy eyes. All cute and funny at the same time. Hard to be angry or anything for that. And i had to find humor to what happened as well. My husband laughed and laughed because i was outsmarted by a dog!

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