Thursday, March 15, 2007

Another Online Money Earning Community

Here's another place where i was able to recently cash out my 27dollar earnings into pesos. A great community forum which lets you share your opinions and view of various different things with all other people and mylotians from all over the world. This is a place where you not only earn as you participate but you get to learn so many things and understand alot of other people's point of views. You also get to mingle with people of all ages with varied interest and opinions, share your points and get to understand how things are in the other side of the coin. has been a great site for me. It let me earned 27dollars just for enjoying myself online. It lets me earn by being able to practice my english as i write and type away my opinions and views. It lets me feel that i have a place where i can go to , to vent and share and to find some new knowledge of something once unknown to me. It helps me in so many ways. It lets me enjoy and spend quality time over the net rather than waste money on online time with surfing nonsense site. It lets me earn while i do what i enjoy. is a good opportunity for you and all of us. Check it out. You might like it. And then you will get hooked before you know it. :)

For earnings, you have a choice between Paypal or Egold. Egold is more accepted here in the Philippines. Visit to register for an account. Once you have it, just use it in your payment information once you are registered in Mylot. For philippines, you can use when transferring your egold into pesos then having it deposited to your bank or smart money account whichever is more convenient.

myLot User Profile

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